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Fursuit Name: Juno
Database ID: 483
Added: 2007-07-10
Last updated: 2008-06-03
Nb views: 2935
Species: husky
Gender: Male
Built by:
Description: Caramel husky dog
Owner: Creeperbones   
List fursuits owned by Creeperbones
First appearance: Anthrocon 06
Cons attended: AC2006 , AC2007 , MFF2006 , MFF2007
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 50
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: balaclava head
Available for performing: no
Notes: A little bit o' history on this suit. His head and body were purchased pre-made on Furbid in December of 05, created by Ravyn, I believe, of "http://www.foxwolfen.com". Apparently the head was sold before and the previous buyer commissioned the body, but it ended up not the right size. I later commissioned Joecifur of "http://www.dragonsteel.org" for the hands, feet, and tail.
Suit Journal:
Yay! After the fursuit games in AC07, they handed out their funoodles! Juno loves his noodle :)


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