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Fursuit Name: Niru
Database ID: 4907
Added: 2017-08-13
Last updated: 2017-08-28
Nb views: 1119
Species: shiba inu
Gender: Male
Built by: LavaFox
Description: Niru is a White Shiba Inu!!!
Owner: OneOnlyHuskunk   
List fursuits owned by OneOnlyHuskunk
Created: 2014-12-20
First appearance: 2012-11-17
Cons attended: TFF2016
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 75
Partial Fursuit: yes
Special Types: balaclava head
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: Very soft, somewhat skunk-like tail. Huge patch of frosted gray down back. Blue eyes, large white and silver ears. Black boop button (nose :P). Black pawpads. This all goes for my fursona AND my suit
Notes: -No hugs unless I know you!
No tail or paws in picture! Better pic coming soon!
2012 date is the date when I made my fursona!
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