Acid Tiger

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Fursuit Name: Acid Tiger
Database ID: 497
Added: 2007-07-15
Last updated: 2007-07-15
Nb views: 10506
Species: tiger
Gender: Male
Built by: Magnusdiridian
Description: Acid Tiger, 5th of 7
Owner: Magnusdiridian   
List fursuits owned by Magnusdiridian
Created: 2006-08-31
First appearance: Shop rite family day
Cons attended: FFRIGHT2006
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 50
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: 3D eyes
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: spikes have no real sting to them.
Notes: Dereuge, 5th of 7. also moonlights as The Acid Pimp, Mr. D.
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