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Fursuit Name: Oli
Database ID: 4987
Added: 2018-11-18
Last updated: 2018-11-18
Nb views: 868
Species: lion
Gender: Male
Built by: Geekpaw
Description: Drunken scene Oli Sykes lion
Owner: Drunkfluff   
List fursuits owned by Drunkfluff
Created: 2018-01-23
First appearance: TFF 2018
Cons attended: TFF2017 , TFF2018
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 75
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: foam head , moveable jaw
Available for performing: yes
Characteristics: Shaggy scene hair with swoops bangs added by me, piercings and pickanle nose (nostrils and piercings added by me), broken heart on butt, moving jaw, super cool rugged/fluffy shoulders
Notes: If you see him at a con don’t be afraid to say hi :D
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Members: 4036

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