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Fursuit Name: Jusbleu
Database ID: 5005
Added: 2019-04-11
Last updated: 2019-04-11
Nb views: 1765
Species: lynx
Gender: Female
Built by: Pyrope Costumes
Description: Blue, Green, Cute
Owner: JavierTheHound   
List fursuits owned by JavierTheHound
Created: 2015-01-01
First appearance: Confur 2018
Cons attended: AC2019
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 100
Partial Fursuit: yes
Special Types: 3D eyes , foam head
Available for performing: yes
Characteristics: Jusbleu is a beautiful blue lynx made original as a commission for daniela orgeta(?) Then sold back to Pyrope costumes and now is on hold for me to be paid off shortly. She's been a dream of move forever and was the first suit i ever saw which made me become a furry. Made in mexico age gas A long fight before arriving to her new gone in Pennsylvania, united states. She'll nature her first U.S debut at anthrocon 2019
Notes: Custom turned to A premade still being paid off
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