Fursuit Name: | German Shepherd Partial |
Database ID: | 5044 |
Added: | 2019-09-21 |
Last updated: | 2019-09-21 |
Nb views: | 992 |
Species: | german shepherd |
Gender: | Male |
Built by: | Unleashed Studios |
Description: | |
Owner: | MystDoggo |
Created: | 2019-08-10 |
First appearance: | |
Cons attended: | - |
Cons planned: | - |
Toonyness: | 75 |
Partial Fursuit: | yes |
Special Types: | 3D eyes , foam head , balaclava head |
Available for performing: | no |
Characteristics: | Partial suit,resin nose and teeth. Made by Unleashed Studios. Sold as a pre-made. |
Notes: | Im not the current owner |
Suit Journal: |