Alaska Blue

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Fursuit Name: Alaska Blue
Database ID: 5119
Added: 2021-07-27
Last updated: 2021-07-27
Nb views: 635
Species: werewolf
Gender: Female
Built by: furfancy costumes
Description: A werecoegi. Small but vicious. Monstercatcreations made the body. Feet. Hands and tail
Owner: Mythical_Beast_X   
List fursuits owned by Mythical_Beast_X
Created: 2018-03-31
First appearance: Motor city fur con 2018
Cons attended: AC2018 , AC2019
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 100
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: foam head , balaclava head , digitigrade
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: Gauge earrings. Stripped legs. Nubbed tail. Blue nose. Blue tongue. Blue paw pads.
Notes: Tail will be shortened in the future.
Suit Journal:
Cons attened in this suit
AC 2018,2019
MCFC 2018
IFC 2018
WPAFW 2018,2019
NYFB 2018,2019

Plans to attend
Wpafw 2021
AC 2022


Members: 4036

Fursuits: 4498

Photos: 20525