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Fursuit Name: Tosca
Database ID: 531
Added: 2007-08-12
Last updated: 2009-05-28
Nb views: 5905
Species: meerkat
Gender: Female
Built by: joecifur
Description: Soft, friendly, cute and lovable meerkat!
Owner: Shema   
List fursuits owned by Shema
Created: 2007-08-01
First appearance: 11th August London Furmeet
Cons attended: COLFD2008 , COLFD2009 , EF2008 , EF2009 , RBW2007 , RBW2008
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 75
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: balaclava head
Available for performing: yes
Characteristics: A soft, cute, lovable meerkat with 8 stripes on her back and 3 on her tail. She has two small stripes across her nose and this 'kat loves hugs!
Notes: Sewn stripes, felt hand paw pads and rubber foot paw pads.
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