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Fursuit Name: Saharah
Database ID: 608
Added: 2007-10-01
Last updated: 2009-10-06
Nb views: 3446
Species: fennec
Gender: Female
Built by: Blackfire
Description: Energetic Fennec fox
Owner: LeighUK   
List fursuits owned by LeighUK
Created: 2003-12-15
First appearance: N/A for now
Cons attended: COLFD2008 , COLFD2009
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 75
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: mesh head , helmet head , moveable jaw
Available for performing: yes
Characteristics: Energetic, loves plushies (Mainly for chewing on, but play comes into it too), finds it hard to keep still
Notes: Eartips come off for easy storage. Bought from original owner, who used her as a male character in 2007
Suit Journal:
Attended Confuzzled 2008, Took part in Parade, came joint 2nd with her team and two other teams in the Fursuit bar-room games. Attended Confuzzled 2009.


Members: 4036

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