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Fursuit Name: Shirik
Database ID: 613
Added: 2007-10-08
Last updated: 2009-07-27
Nb views: 4688
Species: dragon , guinea pig
Gender: Female
Built by: joecifur
Description: My personal character, Shirik the Draguinea (dragon X guinea pig). Made for me by the talented Joecifur of B3 Productions. Debuted at EF13 (2007)
Owner: Shirik   
List fursuits owned by Shirik
Created: 2007-08-20
First appearance: Eurofurence 13
Cons attended: COLFD2009 , EF2007 , EF2008 , EF2009 , RBW2007 , RBW2008
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 75
Partial Fursuit: yes
Special Types: balaclava head
Available for performing: yes
Characteristics: Partial suit consisting of head, full sleeve paws, footpaws, tail and wings. These were Joecifur's first set of wings and I thought he did a brilliant job!

As she's a mix of dragon and guinea pig I tried to blend the features well design wise for her - Joecifur did a fantastic job matching my design and she looks just as I imagined her!
Notes: As she doesn't have a moving jaw I don't talk while in this suit.. instead (to everyones amusement) I squeak at everyone! This got me a lot of "CUTE!" comments at her debut performance ^^ Her wings are also non-static - they do have some movement and bounce around almost as much as me!
Suit Journal:
Eurofurence 13: Suhl, Germany
RBW 2007: London, England
Eurofurence 14: Suhl, Germany
RBW 2008: London, England
Confuzzled 2009: Manchester, England
Eurofurence 15: Suhl, Germany


Members: 4036

Fursuits: 4498

Photos: 20525