Sgt Breacher

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Fursuit Name: Sgt Breacher
Database ID: 648
Added: 2007-11-08
Last updated: 2007-11-09
Nb views: 2526
Species: dog
Gender: Male
Built by: Socks
Description: Camouflage pattern "army dog"
Owner: Socks   
List fursuits owned by Socks
Created: 2007-08-23
First appearance: MFM 2007
Cons attended: MFF2007 , MFM2007
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 0
Partial Fursuit: yes
Special Types: own eyes head
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: More stand-off in persona, and tends to be more authoritative. Patches are removable, and interchangeable. He's named after the CQB job of a person who breaks down a door with a battering ram, a "breacher", which is his role.
Notes: Designed out of polar fleece, this was the first suit I made that had a decent muzzle. It's still in progress, and I'm working on making the jaw movable. He's also a lot of fun to "dress up" for, with all the add ons and additions.

I didn't have the time to make eyes for this suit, so I use mirrored goggles instead. It also helps my visibility, and it works in the overall concept of the costume.

The suit is really made with the extras. His dog tags, the army-style MOLLE vest, and even the helmet or boonie cap. The suit is detail oriented, and I can change a lot of those on the fly as I need to.
Suit Journal:
Made in less than a week, and it's been fun to play in him. It's even more fun when people want to play "foam sword combat" and I have the full suit on. They had "swords", I had "grenades". Loads of fun to play around in.


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