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Fursuit Name: Glomp
Database ID: 651
Added: 2007-11-08
Last updated: 2007-11-08
Nb views: 2685
Species: dog
Gender: Male
Built by: Socks
Description: Toy Dog plush
Owner: Socks   
List fursuits owned by Socks
First appearance: MFF '05
Cons attended: MFF2005
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 100
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: balaclava head , plushiesuit , one piece+head
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: Glomp is very playful, living up to his namesake on occasion.
Notes: Glomp is what happens when I find material that I love. I decided on the "toy dog" when I saw the random paw-prints on the fabric, and I just went for it the whole way. I went as far as to make the nose "tweakable" so it could be rotated, and the muzzle details are in yarn. Glomp has been retired, temporarily, until I can replace his nose down the road.
Suit Journal:
Temporarily retired costume, until I can replace key components and fix teh few flaws in it.


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