Jil v 2

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Fursuit Name: Jil v 2
Database ID: 661
Added: 2007-11-13
Last updated: 2008-11-25
Nb views: 4569
Species: dog
Gender: Female
Built by: Jil Westie , Midori
Description: West Highland White Terrier
Owner: Ship   
List fursuits owned by Ship
First appearance: Furfright 2007
Cons attended: FFRIGHT2007 , FWA2008 , MFF2007
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 75
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: 3D eyes , balaclava head
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: Jil is my fursona, therefore she is me. But in addition, being a terrier, she is scrappy (often calling people out for fights), is loud, is stubborn, always has to be the center of attention, and is very much a lap dog... sometimes. Watch out though, she bites!
Notes: Same bodysuit as Jil v. 1, just the head was done by Midori. She's soooo much more breathable now :P I recently updated the head to give her a more westie-like look, mostly in the facial hair department. Look for pics of the completed suit soon.
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