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Fursuit Name: Jingles
Database ID: 692
Added: 2007-11-30
Last updated: 2008-08-24
Nb views: 2812
Species: dog
Gender: Female
Built by: radhatter
Description: Your average mutt puppy.
Owner: radhatter   
List fursuits owned by radhatter
Created: 2007-11-24
First appearance: J.A.N. Children's Christmas party 2007
Cons attended: -
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 100
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: mesh head
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: Rusty brown fur with gray 'socks' on all four paws, white left ear and gray right ear, white star-shaped patch on right knee, pink tongue. Wears red collar with a "J" initial and a sleigh bell or two, or a festive holiday bandana.
Notes: My very first full suit... ever. Her body suit used to be Comet's. Her favorite 'toy' is a large golden 'bell,' which she believes is much better for fetch games than a red rubber ball. Her tongue is actually a sock >_>. She 'debuted' at a Christmas party giving out sleigh bells on ribbon to those who believe in Santa Claus (like in the Polar Express).
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