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Fursuit Name: Frostbite
Database ID: 697
Added: 2007-12-05
Last updated: 2008-04-15
Nb views: 7110
Species: lemur
Gender: Male
Built by: Mixed Candy - Latin Vixen , ScribbleFox
Description: Ringtail Lemur
Owner: Antimon   
List fursuits owned by Antimon
Created: 2007-11-18
First appearance: MFF 2007
Cons attended: FWA2008 , MFF2007 , MP2008
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 50
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: balaclava head , moveable jaw
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: Playfull, cute, shy
Notes: Same body and paws as Snowcap, just a second head and tail. Playful
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