Seaweed Version 3

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Fursuit Name: Seaweed Version 3
Database ID: 716
Added: 2007-12-20
Last updated: 2007-12-20
Nb views: 4178
Species: otter
Gender: Female
Built by: Beetlecat , Seaweed
Description: Partial Suit
Owner: Seaweed   
List fursuits owned by Seaweed
Created: 2005-04-01
First appearance: MP
Cons attended: MP2005
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 50
Partial Fursuit: yes
Special Types: 3D eyes , moveable jaw
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: Partial suit, just a head, hands, and a tail.
Notes: It was only worn publicly at one convention, PPMP 2005, and a couple of times at private events, then it was retired. It was not exactly what I wanted for the character, and the head was redone.
I did have to redo the paws a bit. I lengthened them and widened them a bit.
Suit Journal:
This suit was really mostly only worn at the mini golf outing (at the hotel) at Megaplex, so there isn't much history with the suit. I am not 100% sure when it was made, but I know that I had it in time for Megaplex in March 2005.
The head is supposed to be a different color than the body. If you look at a sea otter's head, it's color is lighter than the rest of it.


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