Seaweed Version 4

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Fursuit Name: Seaweed Version 4
Database ID: 717
Added: 2007-12-20
Last updated: 2007-12-20
Nb views: 4446
Species: otter
Gender: Female
Built by: Beetlecat , Seaweed
Description: Partial Suit
Owner: Seaweed   
List fursuits owned by Seaweed
Created: 2007-01-01
First appearance: none yet
Cons attended: FWA2008
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 25
Partial Fursuit: yes
Special Types: 3D eyes , moveable jaw
Available for performing: yes
Characteristics: Built with paper mache and other various materials, has a movable jaw and a realistic jawset.
Notes: A partial suit, which uses the same hands and tail from Seaweed Version 3. this time, the head is the same color as the body, as it was a different color in the last incarantion. fits very close to the head and has snaps in the back.
Suit Journal:
It has only been seen a few times by a few local friends. I have not been to a con since I recieved the head, but I am planning on going to FWA 2008, and I plan to bring it with me.
As I said in Seaweed version 3, I had to re-do the hands, and with this one, I will have to redo the back of the head a little, so I listed my name under hers.


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