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Fursuit Name: Keenora
Database ID: 830
Added: 2008-03-10
Last updated: 2015-10-01
Nb views: 8945
Species: wolf
Gender: Male
Built by: Arend Studios
Description: The purple blue Wolf
Owner: Keenora   
List fursuits owned by Keenora
Created: 2008-10-29
First appearance: 2009-03-09
Cons attended: COLFD2009 , COLFD2010 , COLFD2011 , COLFD2012 , COLFD2013 , COLFD2014 , COLFD2015 , CONFUZ2011 , CONFUZ2012 , CONFUZ2013 , CONFUZ2014 , CONFUZ2015 , CONFUZ2016 , EF2009 , EF2010 , EF2011 , EF2012 , EF2013 , EF2014 , EF2015 , FC2012 , FWHOLLAND2014 , MFF2012 , MFF2013 , MFF2015 , NORDICFC2013 , NORDICFC2014 , NORDICFC2015 , NORDICFC2016
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 100
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: foam head
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: blue and violet fluffy long fur with royal-blue stripes and round ears
Suit Journal:
09. March, 2009: Finally I got my fursuit from the customs ^.^

21. March, 2009: Shays Birthday-Party in the Netherlands. The first time, that other furs seen me in real life.

22. March, 2009: My first public Fursuit Outing in Scheveningen, at the beach of the Netherlands. It was TOTALLY AWESOME!

Fursuit Diary Outing stats

(Fursuit Diary is a mobile application developped by Keenora) (website)

Nb of outings: 2 Total duration: 01:52:51 Total distance: 14km 980m


Members: 4036

Fursuits: 4498

Photos: 20525