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Fursuit Name: Codex
Database ID: 868
Added: 2008-04-15
Last updated: 2012-07-19
Nb views: 7335
Species: alligator
Gender: Male
Built by: codex
Description: American Alligator
Owner: codex   
List fursuits owned by codex
Created: 2008-04-10
First appearance: Tekkoshocon 2008
Cons attended: AC2008
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 75
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: wireframe head , moveable jaw
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: Dark Green and Beige fur with a HUGE wiggly tail. 4 fingers and toes with beige claws.
Notes: Retired Fall 2011, 2.0 to be built.
Suit Journal:
Codex is designed after the avatar I created for myself in Second Life. I've wanted a suit for years and finally got around to accomplishing it.


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