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Fursuit Name: Sweettart
Database ID: 88
Added: 2006-09-26
Last updated: 2007-10-29
Nb views: 7597
Species: skunk
Gender: Female
Built by: AnimeCat , Arend Studios
Description: Pink and white skunk
Owner: AnimeCat   
List fursuits owned by AnimeCat
Created: 2006-03-04
First appearance: MidSouthCon 2006
Cons attended: FWA2007 , MFF2006 , MFF2007 , MFM2006 , MFM2007 , RCFM2006
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 100
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: balaclava head
Available for performing: yes
Characteristics: Fluffy pink fur, adorable expression, painted pink nails, bendable tail, and sweet scent.
Notes: Sweettart is a bubbly, naive skunkette who wants nothing more than to play with people, give hugs and have a good time. She adores the color pink, and can be seen frequently including it in her fashions thorugh bandanas, scarves, and nail polish. She even has a pink Stitch plush she keeps with her at cons. Feel free to say hi, as this sweet skunkette loves to meet new people!

The head and handpaws were made by WhiteFox of Arend Studios, white the bodysuit, tail, and feet were made by AnimeCat.
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