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Fursuit Name: Sketchkat
Database ID: 886
Added: 2008-04-28
Last updated: 2009-08-19
Nb views: 8018
Species: lynx
Gender: Female
Built by: Artsquish , Beetlecat , Darkstone Realms
Description: Yellow lynx
Owner: Sketchkat   
List fursuits owned by Sketchkat
Created: 2007-01-01
First appearance: Bristol furmeet
Cons attended: EF2008 , FC2010 , RBW2009
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 25
Partial Fursuit: yes
Special Types: own eyes head , moveable jaw
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: This is my fursona, you'll need to meet me to get a good impression ;3
Notes: This is what I got so far:
Suit Journal:
She's had a steady progression so far, started from half a tiger tail and tiger gloves, then the mask from Realms of Enchantment was a gift from my mate; In time for Bristol Furmeet Halloween '07.
I made some (cr*p) white gloves and chest piece for that. I also got one of Joecifur's "sale tails" (grey, wrong colour, but it works).

This carried on for the next 3 meets whilst I planned out on what I wanted.

Decided to commission Beetlecat for the handpaws and feetpaws, because they had a nice Lion King-esque feel.

Now have a use-your-own eyes head made by Artsquish/Brianna Barber


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