Wonder Moose

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Fursuit Name: Wonder Moose
Database ID: 941
Added: 2008-06-15
Last updated: 2008-06-15
Nb views: 5017
Species: moose
Gender: Male
Built by: ScarletPelt
Description: Mutant Moose Superhero
Owner: Wonder Moose   
List fursuits owned by Wonder Moose
Created: 1995-04-01
First appearance: 1997 Halloween Bash, Soaring Eagle Casino
Cons attended: -
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 50
Partial Fursuit: yes
Special Types: helmet head
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: Fullsize moose head made on taxidermist form. internally anchored to a bicyclist helmet via industrial-strenght velcro. Antlers are urethane foam on a wire frame. Limited forward vision through nostrils. Side vision through cheesecloth-covered cheek vents. Hand hooves of art foam sheet glued over fleece gloves. Foot hooves fit over slippers or shoes. Character wears red union suit and blue fleece remnant cape in superhero mode. Has brown leggings, red sweatshirt and white gauntlet gloves for Bullwinkle mode. Has done impersonations of both Rutt & Tuke in an appearance for a company costume party.
Notes: Head was upgraded with foam padding about the crown of the inside. Head placed back on the foam moose head form an hung on the wall like a trophy when not in use. Muzzle is roomy enough to mount a small fan.
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